One of my favorite times of each day: the quiet mo

One of my favorite times of each day: the quiet mo

One of my favorite times of each day: the quiet morning hour before the house is awake, time in God’s Word, the current #SheReadsTruth study, a candle, and a few chapters from the current devotional/spiritually encouraging book I’m reading. This is my fuel and foundation for the day. A few years ago when I only had babies and toddlers, this wasn’t possible (I was doing great to get in 5 minutes of Bible/prayer most days!). Moms of littles: know that someday you will actually be able to have a consistent daily quiet time! For now, just soak up the season you’re in, pray while you’re cooking or nursing or changing diapers, listen to the Bible and uplifting music on your phone throughout the day, and sneak in moments here and there to refresh and encourage your heart! #FringeHours #makeoveryourmornings

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