@angiesmith19 and @jessicanturner have never met m
@angiesmith19 and @jessicanturner have never met me but they have impacted me in a big way. Because they were willing to open their hearts to strangers like me and be committed to the bloom book club such growth happen for me. I came across their blogs and the book club at a dark time in my life and for some reason felt like following along. I’m glad I did. I’m sad that this will be the last book but I’m super excited at where life has taken both of them. I am proud to have been a part of the launch team for Jessica’s book the fringe hours and excited that YOU can now read and have a place to follow along other woman discovering this book. If your interested #linkinprofile #FringeHours #igetnothingforsharingbutyourhappinesswhenyoureadthebook