Some of my #fringehours are in the mini van right

Some of my #fringehours are in the mini van right

Some of my #fringehours are in the mini van right after school drop-off. I sit in a cafe parking lot on Tuesday and Thursday mornings & do my makeup in the sun visor mirror and listen to a podcast or read a devotional after or chat on the phone with my mentor or mom. If I were to put on my makeup at home, with the girls around me, I wouldn’t have this little pocket of “quiet” for me. So I’m keeping it up, even though I could make “time” to put on my makeup at home. It might take me several 10-minute increments to listen to a podcast, but that just makes me look forward to each time I get to pick up where I left off. #momtime #inspiredtoaction podcast today by @inspiredtoaction w/ @jessicanturner

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