
A perfect thing to do on a Friday night after a good but busy week! Me time with a book on my deck! A slight breeze… https://t.co/3KhYH4DfmT

Self care time! #fringehours #metime #rejuvenating #livinginstressfultimes #Godsgotthis #Heknows https://t.co/OnxZm4IyWw

Oh David’s Tea always helps me take care of self care nicely! #fringehours #selfcare #theresalwaystimefortea https://t.co/KK6NtSt43c

Every day I hear, “I don’t have time!” Sitting here at practice & check out the article I open up to read! Where do… https://t.co/XbrMBQGN8k

Baby seems to have transitioned from waking up multiple times a night to sleeping through the night 🙏🏽🤞🏽💃🏽 so I fin… https://t.co/oto98HI1T6

#workfromhometip Write down what you need to do in a day + approx how much time to allocate to it. Fit it into your… https://t.co/v0KmFrMcLP

A realistic, intentional self-care plan is essential. #FringeHours https://t.co/UIXFvt0z0U via @longwait4bella

Didn’t manage many words yesterday, but I broke through 18,500 this morning. Hoping by the end of the night I’ll ha… https://t.co/DMpM067RiM

I’ll be scheduling a #fringehours give myself some me time before the kids come home so I am not feeling distracted… https://t.co/4wXM0EfUut

Has anyone read #FringeHours?
If so, share your thoughts?
I’m thinking about reading it.

@JessicaNTurner I spotted your book #FringeHours here (see last photo at the bottom of the post).… https://t.co/xaRuG5aGF9

@melindagracela @andredini @KattBalsan @ljotrex @hollywoodfringe #hollywoodfringe #hff18 #lathtr #crosspromotion… https://t.co/XRLelYmHDj

@hollywoodfringe My money is still going into the #FringeHours #DrinkAboutFringe and other shows!! #hff18 #BallsON… https://t.co/W2ASku8Fx7

See also: daughter who signed up to bake and bring decorations and frosting for an afterschool activity on a day’s… https://t.co/y4Xo6QXVgp

I’m reading a book called The Fringe Hours by @JessicaNTurner about making more time for me, so naturally, there’s… https://t.co/Rwu0bbyLpg

#coupdecoeur #DrinkingAboutFringe #BallsOn!!! #hff18 #lathtr #thebroadwater #sacredfools #HollywoodFringe… https://t.co/NfYCZkgmyC

#Hff18 Can’t wait to see your show!! @kelleyplanetla @hollywoodfringe #Fringeships #drinkaboutfringe #fringehours… https://t.co/eZsAPdDCa2

#drinkaboutFringe #hff18 #fringehours #fringeships #BallsON @hollywoodfringe @KattBalsan @TheBroadwaterLA… https://t.co/HDusVHuNGa

Go see this guy’s #onemanshow @SteveBrock @TheBroadwaterLA at the #hollywoodfringefestival #hff18 @EricHowellSharp… https://t.co/aI36ulugc5

When you get to the movies early and you and your daughter are prepared to read. #fringehours #whereiread… https://t.co/fDqbEPnuFa

If you’ve already built a foundation that doesn’t include “me time,” you’ve got some remodelling to do. – @JessicaNTurner #FringeHours

When you wake up in the middle of the night and can’t sleep might as well clean & put away bridal shower gifts! #fringehours

Fitting in some business reading during lunch #fringehours #momboss #momtrepreneur #momproblems… https://t.co/jjD6AHgkaa

Time. Not always on our side. #women #time #busy #productivity #howtohaveagoodday #fringehours #momsonthebrink https://t.co/jk1q9bvojQ