Wouldn’t it be great if all our “fringe hours” con

Wouldn’t it be great if all our “fringe hours” con

Wouldn’t it be great if all our “fringe hours” consisted of pom-poms and multipacks of colored pens. And donuts. And really just anything that gives you a well-deserved moment of peace. “As women, we too often let guilt control what we do. We become controlled by what we are “supposed” to do, instead of embracing the fact that it’s okay to leave the vacuuming for another day so we can go for a run.” Guilt. It kicks you in the gut every day. Every time you find yourself with a free minute, you automatically start thinking of the things you should be doing instead of having that moment of peace.
The amount of truth to this statement is crippling. This month at Heart, we’re setting out to do something about it. Want to join in? We’re reading The Fringe Hours by @JessicaNTurner and we want you to do it with us. Jessica says, “Choosing yourself is not wrong. The longer you go without taking time for yourself, the more resentment will fester, exhaustion will set in, and you will have nothing left to giveā€”to anyone.” It’s time to let some of it go, friends. Details about this month’s game-changing read will be at our .com tonight. Grab your girls and let’s do this thing! Discussion for the book will take place on Wednesday, March 25th at 8PM MST.

#fringehours #bookclub #heartmagreads #heartmagcommunity

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