Maybe you feel like my friend @beckyhigginsllc and
Maybe you feel like my friend @beckyhigginsllc and you know you need The Fringe Hours, but aren’t sure how you can even find the time to dig in. Order the book today anyway. It is broken up into small digestible sections so you can squeeze in reading here and there. But you have to take the first step and get a copy! #linkinprofile — I feel such an excitement and joy for others’ successes and right now I’m feeling it for my friend @JessicaNTurner who has just published a book called “The Fringe Hours: Making Time for You”. I can’t wait to dive in. Ironically, I need to figure out how I’m going to carve out the time to read this before weeks pass by. I have a strong feeling it’s exactly what I need right now. #FringeHours