After reading The Fringe Hours...

“Do you feel overwhelmed with life and everything you’re juggling? Do you wish you had time to recharge your batteries, but your to-do list is so long that the idea seems like an impossibility? I’ve long admired how Jessica manages to do so much and yet still have time for things she loves—like hanging out with friends and family, scrapbooking, and blogging. In The Fringe Hours, she unveils her secrets to success and gives you the tools, tips, and techniques you can use to find time in your full schedule to refresh yourself and refill your tank too. This book is a must-read for busy women everywhere!”

“I want to give The Fringe Hours to every woman in my life, because this is the conversation we’re having over and over, at soccer practice and church and crammed between meetings. Jessica’s practical style made me feel like another way is possible. I love this book!”

“Jessica Turner has done an enormous favor to women who are exhausted from struggling to fit it all in, feeling pressure to be perfect and guilty if they don’t put themselves last. The Fringe Hours is like one gigantic permission slip to carve out some space in your day for the things that give you joy and feed your soul. Filled with the stories, challenges, fears, and triumphs large and small from hundreds of women who answered survey questions on her popular blog, The Fringe Hours offers a space for reflection as well as practical and often spiritual guides for how to get started. Making the most of the margins of time is the first step toward, as Turner writes, crafting a good life.”

“Jessica is a fantastic teacher—through her own life, she models for those of us in the thick of life that we’re never too busy to be a good friend, to work hard, and to invest our whole heart into our God-given passions. I’m so thankful that she selflessly shares her wisdom for the rest of us—my life is richer and braver because of her.”

“We live in a culture where far too often, women’s creative passions get squashed and squeezed right out of their lives. Jessica Turner’s The Fringe Hours is an honest and encouraging account of how women can make time for what fills them up most. I hope it inspires many women to once again embrace their passions.”

“Whether you are yearning to pursue the passions of your heart, take better care of yourself, or invest time and energy into what really matters, The Fringe Hours holds the key. Jessica Turner masterfully combines creative ideas with stories of real women that leave you nodding your head and feeling empowered to create sacred space within your day and your life. This book does not offer a one-size-fits-all solution but rather a deep look inward to help you live in a more fulfilling and meaningful way.”

“The Fringe Hours offers inspiration to become more mindful about your daily life—to identify the snippets of time you’d normally find frustrating or boring and flip them into windows of opportunity to fuel your interests and passions. Though I’ll continue to devote my early morning fringe hours to ‘more sleep’ (as the mom of a toddler I am, in fact, passionate about sleeping!), I’m inspired to seek out fringe minutes during the day and spend them well.”

“Have you ever claimed to be busy but lost an hour to Pinterest? In this gentle yet no-nonsense book, Jessica nudges us to question how we spend our time and to find ways to bring joy into the little and large spaces of our lives.”

“With each page of The Fringe Hours, Jessica offers gentle encouragement, creative ideas, and maintainable solutions that can help us reclaim our time and make our own self-care a top priority.”